Friday, January 27, 2012
Fort Worth Stock Show
> This year the sun was out and the weather awesome, so we skipped the rodeo and just visited the animals and hit the Midway. We were blown away by how much the kids loved the rides.
> All told the older two went on nine rides and even Lincoln got to do the Ferris Wheel with us before he conked out in his carrier backpack.
> We already can't wait for next year!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Family Sleepover and Campout
Then, we had a campfire cookout in our bedroom--hot dogs and the trimmings of course! Next we had story hour, and we closed out the night with a movie in the tent. They got to stay up a bit late, but Robby was conked out by 8:45 . . . Despite the fact that his sister kept nudging him and telling him to wake up. She was ready to party all night. And did until almost 11:00 after which we finally got a few hours of zzzzzzz's before she was back up and ready to party at 6:45. As much fun as it was, I think we'll make this fun event a rare special event rather than a fairly regular treat.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Seven Months and Counting!
One first we had with him this month is that he contracted bronchiolitis during the holidays leading to a five day regiment of breathing treatments. He's recovered quietly nicely now though and has moved on to bigger and better things.
Another difference between Lincoln and his brother and sister is that he never developed into a thumb sucker. Instead, he routinely turns to the crook of his elbow to suckle for comfort. Quite hygienic, this one.
When first introduced to baby foods slightly before six months, he was unimpressed, but he is now an expert eater, preferring avocado and sweet potatoes above all others.
He has also started babbling up a storm and shows every sign of copying his siblings by declaring Dada as his first word--against the express command and wishes of his mother.
His biggest passion though is trying to learn how to crawl. So far he's unsuccessful, but he does amazing push ups and boot scoots backwards better than Mater ever could. (We're still not quite sure how he got himself under the table like that though).
My guess is that he will be a crawler by eight months . . . Stay tuned :)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
While You Were Away
Meanwhile I tried to hold down the fort here at home. Needless to say things sometimes got hairried:
And I may have gotten so flustered from time to time that I didn't know up from down much less where to wash what:
And more than once it was like trying to wrangle wild tree climbing monkeys:
But luckily I had at least one cool head in the house:
What more could such a blessed mother ask for really??