Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Little Big Man is Five Months Old!!

My little man has now turned five months old, and I could not be more in love with this person.  He has the sweetest smile, and he turns it on so freely for me.  With each child I have had, the rush for him/her to leave behind babyhood has become less and less in my mind.  I am trying to linger and hold onto each little moment with this one because I know that before I can blink, he is going to be running after his brother and sister yelling at them to wait up, no longer a baby but becoming a little boy.  Trying to really remember Robby and Juliet as babies is almost impossible it feels like, and so I am holding on as tightly as I can.  Even so, I find myself helping him practice sitting up, pulling up, and am already making and freezing babyfood on occasion.  We have already bought the prerequisite baby food cereal boxes, and they are just waiting for this guy to get just a couple of weeks older.  I know we are entering into that really fun stage of an explosion of developmental milestones, and I am so excited.  But, I love that this one is willing to take the occasional nap while I hold him, and I am also finding myself less and less inclined to put him down :)

1 comment:

minda312 said...

i love this little man!!