Thursday, November 17, 2011

Carving Out My Niche

Before Lincoln was born, I would often work in our office, logically enough. In our old house, the office was a neglected space rarely used by anyone, so Bryan didn't really think to use it, despite the pretense of it being set up as his room. But, once L arrived, I migrated to working off a lap desk in a big comfy chair in our room because as often as not, I would be holding him while I worked. It took little time for B to move in and entirely claim the office as his own.

L is now at a stage where holding him to work is fairly impractical much of the time, but I've continued to be stranded in this big chair with no other place to really work. We've been mulling over the problem for a while and considered lots of less than optimal possibilities that all meant either work spaces that would have to be cleared away when we have company or crowding lots of furniture or both.

Then, last week I had a brainstorm. We got an awesome deal on these great bookshelves from World Market when we moved into our house and have found creative ways to use them from entryway pieces to a wine rack. So, why not a desk?

A couple of nights ago, I reorganized my books so that I could take out three shelves, and I created this tiny workspace for myself by adding a painting to the wall, installing a light on the shelf above my desk, and then adding this cool chair we found.

It's the perfect place to work, and I am just loving it. The kids love to sit at it and "work" too :)

1 comment:

tah said...

Typically very creative. Looks perfect.