Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Only Girl . . . All Girl

Before Lincoln was born, we were pretty sure we wanted four kids: two of each.

These days, three is feeling like a great number. Outside of the increased workload of having three, we just aren't sure if we could survive two girls.

The one we have now is amazing but handful doesn't begin to describe the force of personality that comes in this small package.

Super smart, super precocious, and indescribably girly, her ability to get into mischief and then to get right back out of it with a disarming smile and sweet hugs is remarkable.

If she's not putting in play makeup, she counting her tubes of chapstick, usually to be found in a tutu, but still ready to run and play in the dirt with her brother.

Her smile lights up the room . . . Unless she's found the light switch to play with.

I wouldn't trade her for anything but she might trade me for a pretty enough tutu or princess outfit. Let's hope it doesn't come to that :)

1 comment:

tah said...

I love that little girl!!
I loved "that little girl" 30 years ago as well. . . .