Order of business 1: break up half the glasses so that they became individual cups. Mommy is not excited. Her plan is not going well. Now Mommy, Daddy, and Robby are down to one pair each if no more are broken.
Order of business 2: paint last remaining pair in a LOT of black paint. So much black paint that 24 hours later they will still not be dry. But seriously, are any sunglasses cooler than all black shades?
Order of business 3: spend the rest of the time dipping the paintbrush in the various colors of paints and then cleaning it off in the water. Rinse. repeat. Rinse. repeat. Mommy figures out what is going on (she was distracted by her own efforts to create super cool purple and silver shades). Mommy attempts to stop such shenanigans. Rinse. repeat.
Order of business 4: Mommy has finally convinced us that the object is not to muddy the water. So, we happily move on to painting ourselves and the furniture.
Order of business 5: Craft time has now ended. Suddenly. Apparently painting the white furniture is not what the doctor ordered. Instead, time for pictures and then upstairs with Daddy for a bath while Mommy tackles the downstairs.
She is glad to report that all paint traces appear to be gone. Just don't look under the table. She says painting with Robby is fun. It might be more fun to do outside next time. But, at least there will be a next time.
lookin' fly?
Nice!.... you're a brave woman
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