Monday, November 29, 2010

A Tiny Thing to be Thankful For

In the spirit of the season, I thought I'd post about something for which I'm super grateful. It's been 12 longs weeks but my strict "no caffeine" regimen has been lightened in favor of a light caffeine rule. So, my iced tea breaks are back, even if not for every day. Oh Sonic, how I missed ye.

... of course, that is not the only tiny thing we are grateful for this season :)

Family Portrait, redux


Stephanie said...

Congrats!! What a great think to be able to give thanks to God for this year. :) How far along are you? We are 14 weeks today (not sure if you knew we were expecting #4).

Karin said...

Congratulations Brian & Amy! Great news - precious announcement. :)

--A. said...

I did see that on your blog Stephanie and knew we were doing this pretty much together. I am due on June 8th and am almost 13 weeks at this point. :)

Stephanie said...

That's exciting! Knowing how my pregnancies go, I am not expecting a baby before June 10th. We shall see! I hope yours doesn't stay put that long!!

Kenny and Chrissy said...

Love you :).

The Jungs said...

Congrats! I'm sure Robby and Juliet will be really excited to welcome baby brother or sister! :)