Thursday, December 4, 2008

Robby's Last Checkup

So, we took Robby to the doctor for his 15 month check up and latest round of baby torturing shots last week. He is, as ever, doing wonderfully. He remains, at 33 and 1/4 inches in the 90th percentile in height, and he is right at the 50th percentile in weight at 24 pounds.

The doctor spent most of her time talking to us about handling his newfound sense of pushing boundaries, which he promptly displayed by repeatedly trying to play with the trash can liner (see, Mommy lets me play with plastic sacks at home!) and then walking over to Mommy at one point and calmly smacking on her face (hitting is a normal part of our routine, Dr. Audrey--see?) Both times I firmly told him "no" only to be notified that the only way to correct this type of behavior is to pretend that it does not exist. I was raised in a household with a firm belief in the concept of using the word "No," and I think that No! is the best course of action for certain situations, just as is ignoring him when he is acting out. So, we took her advice but plan to use it as only one suggestion among lots of other valid suggestions on the best course of disciplining a toddler.

However, the visit did end on a positive note when the doctor was about to leave and turned around to say, "He really is very cute isn't he? Most babies his age are scared of me, but he did very well." Then she told him to come visit her any time. I like to think that it is a high compliment when a pediatrician who spends her whole life looking at children notices your child's particular brand of cuteness.

I thought I would add a couple of pics of some of my favorite Robby parts taken by my very talented uncle on a recent trip to California (and the beach!). There will be more pics of that trip later.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

The toddler years...don't you love how early they start pushing the boundaries? It came much sooner than I expected (not sure if it felt like that for you). I read a really good book by Ginger Plowman called "Don't Make Me Count to Three" a few months back. I really liked how she approached discipline as an issue with the heart and not just changing behavior.

Oh, and Lucy loves her pediatrian too. She always talks about him and wanting to visit Dr. Jones. He told me he actually has one patient that vomits every time he walks in the room. What a welcome, huh?!