Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Great Snow In of 2010

We like everyone else have lived a life interrupted of late on account of the weather. Thursday was not too bad, though our electricity flickered in and out for much of the evening.

At about midnight, Bryan and I went to play in the snow, and it was amazing. The whole world appeared to be blanketed in the snow, and an amazing hush had descended on our street. We also got some pretty sweet pics.

(Yep--that's me in my PJs in the snow :)

We then lost electricity some time around 1:00am, and we did not get it back until after lunch. We have a gas fireplace and stove luckily, so we were able to huddle by the fire under blankets. We had hot chocolate and oatmeal for breakfast and soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. It was a fun day that we will remember fondly.

After we got power back and knew we would be able to warm up, Robby and Bryan went to play outside and had a great time making snowmen.

We did not venture out of the house until today, when we went to get an amazing list of groceries. Here are some pics of us getting ready to venture out for the first time:


Anonymous said...

Hey Amy! I just wanted to send a quick "hello!" The kiddos are adorable! Hope everything's going great with you guys!
Love you, Maggie

Int'l Public Historian said...

I love that you were out playing in the snow at midnight in your pjs. Glad that some things never change :)

Eraina said...

She's gotten so much bigger in just a couple of weeks