I want you to know that I am so proud of all that you accomplished this month. You got your first tooth, which means that you now get Cheerios as a snack. I am amazed at your ability to strew them across a 15 foot spread of the floor from your perch in your high chair. Your booby traps are always well placed, and I never see them until one of us makes that distinctive crunching sound as we walk. It is amazing how many crumbs one tiny Cheerio can produce, and I never would have known that fact without you.
I am so proud of your ability to both sit yourself up and pull yourself up at will. These are the first steps to true mobility. You are so cute as you stand up in your crib and squawk love screeches to us at 5:00 something in the morning. We only hover under the covers feigning deafness for those first fifteen minutes to give you the opportunity to practice your speeches. Of course it is not because we are desperately hoping you might decide to go back to sleep.
You are ever-ready with a smile and a laugh. You love so much to laugh with your brother. The teachers at school all coo over you constantly in order to be rewarded with your smiles. If asked, I would definitely not say that I lie awake at night worrying that your winning smile will lead your father to give you just about everything you ask for. I am sure not worried based on the conversation that I overheard recently where he was promising you any car you want on your 16th birthday. He was talking about barbie cars right??
This month you began to clap and wave bye bye. I looked this up on the baby milestones, and these fall into the category of the most advanced skills babies usually achieve at your age. I think that my letter to Mensa notifying them of your skills is not misjudged at this point. I think the bit about your ability to crawl will really impress the admissions committee. In fact, I probably need to get you a few new dresses today and obviously some additional bows and shoes just to prepare for the ceremony that I am sure will be held. And, speaking of bows, I bought you about 25 on my recent trip to Canton. So, now we just need you to grow some hair so that I have a legitimate explanation to justify this purchase to your daddy.
Each day with you brings more delights, and we all could not love you more.
So proud (and so tired!)
I love you,
Love your blog! Such a cute family. Blessings to y'all!
Love the update!! I know we always need a reason to justify buying more bows!! We still don't have any teeth but I think MyLeigh is getting there!
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